Nassim is an architect and current­ly service director at Trimble Consulting (Formerly Gehry Technologies). His expertise is in the execution and coordination of complex projects, the orchestration and deployment of Integrated Delivery Systems, Virtual Design, and Construction methods on a full range of projects across the globe.

He developed a large experience fo­cused on converging, synthesizing and deploying processes and strategies that integrate project teams and stake­holders involved in delivering large scale and complex projects. He has been providing consulting services in large design and construction compa­nies in Europe, the Middle East, and South America. He’s responsible for the EMEA services group, a team of consultants that design and implement BIM-enabled systems across the design, fabrication and construction stages.

Presentation content

Applications of Mixed Reality in design and construction
As the technologies for mixed reality applications mature and headsets reduce in price design teams and construction workers will gave access to powerful on demand overlays. Saoud will take us through Trimble’s latest developments and application cases of mixed reality in the AEC market

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