Talk Abstract:
In this presentation Dr Marianna Kopsida will explore Mixed Reality applications for architecture, engineering and construction / facilities management. She will give an introduction to the technology, then focus on the benefits and challenges of implementation as well as future trends.
BIO: Marianna Kopsida is a member of the Mixed Reality Program at Trimble. Prior to joining Trimble, Marianna completed her PhD in Engineering at the University of Cambridge, UK. Her PhD research was focused on the automation of progress monitoring building inspection using Mixed Reality. The project aimed to assist progress monitoring inspection for interior activities in a construction project by aligning the 3D model to the real construction environment and automatically comparing the as-built with the as-planned data. Part of her research was conducted at the Intelligent Vision and Automation Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Marianna has also obtained a Master of Science degree in Engineering Project Management and a MEng-Beng in Civil Engineering specialised in Structural Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.