Frank Marangell

President and CEO
Rize Inc.

Frank is the President and CEO of Rize Inc. In 2013, he was the Vice President of Global Field Operations for Stratasys LTD, responsible for the worldwide materials business as well as the company expansion into dental and medical 3D printing.

Prior to the merge of Stratasys and Objet, Frank was the president of Objets North American subsidiary.  He started this subsidiary in 2006 and grew it to an $85 Million business in 2012. Prior to Objet, Frank held various senior management positions, including the US President of Elbit Vision Systems and VP of Sales for Orbotechs PCB division based in the USA and Europe.

Frank holds a BS in Engineering and an MBA from Northeastern University in Boston, MA.


3D Printing Injection Molded-Quality Parts

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