Greg Schleusner

Greg Schleusner

Principal/Director of Design Technology

Greg Schleusner AIA, is a Principal/Director of Design Technology at HOK. In this role he is responsible for managing the firm’s software development efforts, implementing new technology solutions and partnering with collaboratively minded companies to solve ongoing challenges in AEC.

Greg leads technical efforts within buildingSMART International as a co-chair of the Technical Room. He is currently working to organize AEC member firms to help develop new solutions, both open source and via commercial technologies. Greg has an undergraduate degree in Architecture from Iowa State University and a Master’s in Technology Management from Columbia.

Presentation content:

Part 3: Assemble
In previous NXT BLD talks (2021 / 2022) Greg spoke about: The challenges the industry faces and subsequently, what other industries can tell us about the solution.

This year’s talk will conclude the Trilogy; This ending will be more Jedi than Trinity!


Part 3: Assemble

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