Jens Majdal Kaarsholm

Jens Majdal Kaarsholm

Director of Design Technology
BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group)

Jens Majdal Kaarsholm, Director of Design Technology at BIG, is an experienced professional in the fields of architecture and technology. Having worked as dedicated BIM professional for more than a decade, Jens have been involved in various large-scale projects around the planet, as well as the implementation of BIM in leading architectural companies such as BIG and Foster and Partners.

Jens has always kept a very open-minded approach to BIM in architecture, with an aim to give the architects as much freedom as possible, and to implement BIM without hindering the design process if possible. Jens brings a yes-hat attitude to most problems and projects, always aiming to find good solutions to complex problems, even if that sometimes requires creative workarounds.

Presentation content:

Cloaked in Bureaucracy: The Emperor’s New Clothes in the World of BIM?
In the fast-paced world of Building Information Modeling (BIM), where promises of efficiency and innovation abound, there is a lurking phenomenon that often goes unnoticed – the rising tide of bureaucracy. In this thought-provoking presentation, titled “Cloaked in Bureaucracy: The Emperor’s New Clothes in the World of BIM,” we delve into the hidden layers of red tape that have woven themselves into the very fabric of BIM processes and workflows.

Drawing inspiration from Hans Christian Andersen’s timeless tale, Jens will unveil the invisible threads of bureaucracy that have ensnared the BIM landscape, presenting an illusion of progress while hindering its true potential. We explore how the once-revolutionary concept of BIM, with its promises of streamlined collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and improved project outcomes, has been encumbered by complex regulations, standards, and compliance requirements.

Through engaging anecdotes and insightful honesty, this presentation reveals the consequences of excessive bureaucracy on BIM projects. Jens will shed light on the paradoxical situation where BIM, intended to enhance efficiency, can paradoxically lead to delays, cost overruns, and frustration. By examining real-world case studies, Jens will expose some of the underlying causes and manifestations of bureaucratic bottlenecks that impede the realization of BIM’s transformative power.


Cloaked in Bureaucracy: The Emperor's New Clothes in the World of BIM?

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