Chris has 15 years of experience in the sustainability field, specialising in linking environmental and social responsibility with innovation, product and packaging design and marketing. He recently joined global design and innovation consultancy Seymoupowell to lead their sustainability work, but has previously held roles in brand marketing consultancy Dragon Rouge, as Head of Innovation at Forum for the Future, plus worked client-side in Philips and Electrolux

Chris has worked on sustainable innovation and design projects with The Tetley Group, Cadbury, General Mills, Mars, PepsiCo, Boots, BT, BASF, SC Johnson, LG, Samsung, Heinz, UK Technology Strategy Board. Unilever, P&G, Johnson Matthey, Interfaceflor, sony ericcson, O2 and BP. He is a recognised thought leader on sustainable design and innovation, and regularly present on these issues at conferences. Chris holds a PhD in this area, titled ‘Innovative Ecodesign’, from Cranfield University.

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