Synopsis: Siemens PLM Software will highlight some of the key trends in today’s design technology along with real-life examples of how the company can assist in overcoming challenges in the world of engineering.

On the main stage, Dan Staples shares emerging technology trends impacting product design and engineering. Whether you’re a student, start-up, or established company you’ll learn why it is imperative to remain open to new ideas and new ways of working, so you are prepared to embrace new business opportunities in the digital enterprise.

Dan shares emerging technology trends impacting product design and engineering. Whether you’re a student, start-up, or established company you’ll learn why it is imperative to remain open to new ideas and new ways of working, so you are prepared to embrace new business opportunities in the digital enterprise.
Siemens is a recognized leader in the field of design engineering and provides the solutions you need for tomorrow’s innovations.

Biography: Dan Staples is the Vice President of Mainstream Engineering R&D at Siemens PLM. Dan has more than 20 years experience in the Mechanical CAD industry, including key roles at Intergraph, SensAble Technologies, and UGS.

Dan was instrumental in defining the original vision for the Solid Edge product line and managing its deployment and evolution. More recently he has been involved in the creation and evolution of industry-leading Synchronous Technology. Staples holds a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from Rice University and an MBA from Vanderbilt University.

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