Talk Abstract:
We present the journey of development of the Xirus kernel and how it originated from biomedical imaging. Thereby, we highlight the similarities between shape characterization in biomedicine and CAD for the AEC industry.  We then discuss Xirus, an advanced 3D CAD kernel to simplify complex organic modeling. Xirus is designed to overcome existing design limitations for smooth 3D digital design and to provide a compelling CAD experience. It provides ‘augmented access’ to a 3D object by enabling direct and decoupled control of tangents, curvatures and high-order smoothness parameters as well as interpolating control points that lie directly on the surface of an object. Xirus further includes subdivision, local refinement, the creation of watertight junctions with G0, G1, G2 smoothness control, full forward and backward NURBS compatibility as well as intuitive control and handling of corners, kinks, edges with smoothness and many other features.

Daniel Schmitter is the CEO of Mirrakoi SA, a technology start-up company created at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Mirrakoi provides ‘augmented CAD’, which is a novel 3D CAD technology for organic modeling. It allows one to create 3D CAD models in a more intuitive and accessible way. Daniel holds a PhD degree in mathematical signal processing. During his doctoral studies he developed a new technology to represent 3D shapes as signals, which enables to harness the power of signal processing and information theory to efficiently create 3D CAD models. Prior to his PhD studies Daniel has worked at Siemens on the characterization of 3D surfaces and volumes.


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