To drive step-function increases in the use of 3D printing, breakthroughs are needed on virtually all vectors – speed, quality, cost, reliability, materials options.

HP has a plan to advance the state of the art on the print side, but this alone is not enough – it will take partnerships and shared vision to realize the potential of a digitised future.

Scott Schiller shares what HP has learned about driving from analog to digital transformation in other markets, and discusses HP’s vision for advancing the state of the art of 3D printing.

(Joseph) Scott Schiller is the world-wide Director of HP’s 3D Printing Business.

His position has responsibility for all aspects of scaling this new business, headquartered in Barcelona, Spain.

Scott’s organisation is supported by a network of HP organizations including HP Labs in Palo Alto, as well as R&D and other functions in Oregon, California, Puerto Rico and Ireland.

Scott is a serial entrepreneur, and spent the last eight years building another business using HP’s thermal inkjet technology to drive digitisation of high volume print manufacturing.

Prior to joining HP, Scott had a variety of entrepreneurial and product development experiences with companies such as Honeywell, Microsoft and managed numerous small businesses in Seattle in the 1990s.

Scott holds a degree in Information Technology as well as an MBA in Technology Marketing from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.

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