It has been a year since Onshape Beta was announced at Develop3D Live 2015. Jon discusses the current state of this rapidly evolving software, the remarkable ways in which companies are using the new technology, and his future vision of full-cloud CAD.

BIO: Jon is a Founder and Chairman of the Board at Onshape. Jon holds a Bachelors and Masters from MIT, and has worked in CAD for over 30 years.

He was a Founder and CEO of SolidWorks, a group executive at Dassault Systemes, director of engineering at Computervision, manager at the MIT CADLab, a player and instructor on the MIT Blackjack team, and a professional magician. He serves on the Engineering Advisory Board at Boston University and as an advisor to Magic Leap, Inc. and MarkForged, Inc. His hobbies include golf, 3D printing, tennis, yoga, and magic.

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