Mark Shalier begins his talk with why “Starting with Why?” is important but pointless if you don’t follow-through; why being a nation that designs isn’t enough and why we need to begin re-shoring manufacturing.

Mark Shayler hasn’t decided what he wants to do when he grows up but he has been working on developing better products and improving business since 1989.

He works with mahoosive clients like Coca Cola, Proctor and Gamble, Samsung, Colgate, Mars, RS Components and some really small clients too.

He has used design to save his clients over £100 million. He designs product, packaging, and services. He forecasts environmental and packaging trends, and works on innovation.

He is author of “Do Disrupt: Change the status quo or become it” and is a founding partner of the Do Lectures. He is an active member of the Good For Nothing community and helps run their events in Leeds and Manchester.

He is a key lead in the RSA’s Great Recovery events, is a Design Council design associate, a Manufacturing Advisory Service advisor, and a Virgo.

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