Phil has worked in the field of Advanced Manufacturing for nearly 20 years, having gained a PhD in the subject from Nottingham University in the mid 1990s.

Since this time, Phil has worked in a number of AM related roles including R&D, business development and corporate strategy, before establishing Econolyst in 2003.

Phil now advises both additive manufacturing systems vendors on future business and technology strategy, and technology users on the business benefits of AM adoption.

Phil has worked on a wide range of projects to integrate Additive Manufacturing into sectors as diverse as healthcare and warfare, computer gaming and consumer goods, and from recreation to education.

An advisor on AM to a number of government agencies, he has written numerous articles and book chapters on the current and future impact of additive manufacturing on society and the environmental and lectures extensively on the subject.

He is most at home faciitating innovation sessions, listening to business problems and working out AM/3DP solutions.

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