Talk Abstract:
This session will discuss the importance of Smart Cities and its relationship to BIM and Digital Construction and how our cities will change and radically affect future skill requirements in Construction. There are a variety of smart cities missions (Via Innovate UK), which have been undertaken with small agile technology companies looking to sell their digital products to future cities. The session will give an overview of these types of solutions, touching on future Technology predictions and processes which will affect the smart city dialogue. The way we procure and deliver digital solutions to both national and local governments across the world will also be discussed as well as future skill requirements which will need to be addressed imminently.

Director and founder of Digital Node, Rebecca De Cicco is passionate about the future of the industry and
supports Building Smart globally, sits on the Autodesk Developer Network and Expert Elite groups and
works with the UK BIM Alliance and BIM Regions to help industry upskill. She is a strong advocate for
diversity (Chair of @WomeninBIM) and works with higher education by tutoring and lecturing both
undergraduate and postgraduate students in BIM and Construction Management. Rebecca is also a
fellow of the CIOB and offers support and training to the likes of BSI, CIOB and other institutions in the
BIM space. Her interest in training and upskilling also involved a strong social media presence for herself
(@becdecicco), her organization (@digital_node) and finally her diversity group (@WomeninBIM). More
recently Rebecca is the chair of @BIM_S_A, a not for profit group focused on the implementation of BIM
in South Australia.

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