Video category: NXT BLD 2020

Alex Coulombe

Alex Coulombe

Since the release of the Oculus Rift DK1 in 2013, many have come to understand the valuable role virtual reality can play for visualizing architecture, but case studies of actively…
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Andrew Rink

Andrew Rink

Collaboration during design has been a long-term challenge for all industries. AEC is no exception, with project teams typically remotely located and encompassing a wide array of disciplines using diverse…
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Scott Ruppert

Scott Ruppert

Join us as we delve into some of the top trends and technologies influencing how those within the AEC industry work today and into the future. We’ll cover advances within…
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Mike Leach

Mike Leach

Join us as we delve into some of the top trends and technologies influencing how those within the AEC industry work today and into the future. We’ll cover advances within…
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