Video category: NXT BLD 2018

Hedwig Heinsman

Talk Abstract: Design-driven Tech Company Aectual envisions a future where building products are 3D printed in a sustainable and circular manner. Co-founder Hedwig Heinsman will reveal parts of Aectual’s bespoke…
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Marc Petit

Talk Abstract: How game engine technology can deliver high visual fidelity experiences in real time and in VR, plus the virtues of interactivity, immersion and collaboration and real time ray…
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Rebecca De Cicco

Talk Abstract: This session will discuss the importance of Smart Cities and its relationship to BIM and Digital Construction and how our cities will change and radically affect future skill…
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Mike Leach

Talk Abstract: The driving force behind any AEC workflow is a growing plethora of ISV software, advanced software tools, plug-ins and hardware accessories. Underpinning these is your IT hardware and…
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