Video category: Develop 3D Live 2017

Tony Gray, Solidthinking

Synopsis: Where do your designs begin? Do you use previous projects as a starting point? Can they be based on hard-earned knowledge, or is it something else? When faced with…
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Stephen Hooper, Autodesk

Synopsis: Like it or not, the way we design, make, and use things is fundamentally changing. The tools we use to design are changing, as is access to them. New…
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Dr. Jonathan Ingram

Synopsis: The story of the development of BIM is told by one of its originators. The presentation will show:The origin of BIM and how it has developed.Case studies illustrating the…
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Jon Hirschtick, Onshape

Synopsis: Manufacturers worldwide are embracing Agile Design processes to drive more speed and innovation. Agile Design emphasizes rapid iteration, collaboration, and flexibility over the rigidity and sequential processes of the…
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Dustin Brown, Microsoft

Synopsis: From the Lunatik Kickstarter campaigns and consulting for Xbox, Dell, and L’Oreal at MINIMAL, to the launch of Microsoft’s HoloLens, Dustin’s career has been enabled by his use of…
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Andy Rahden, Pluralsight

Synopsis: In this session, we will share the importance of learning to progress technology in an ever-changing world.  People learn in a variety of ways, and different types of learners utilize…
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Brian Thompson, PTC

Synopsis: The physical and digital worlds are converging.  For engineering teams large and small, the boundary between the physical and digital worlds is being increasingly blurred by technologies like IoT,…
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Chris Cheung, Mighty Dynamo

Synopsis: Chris explores the dynamics between hobby, freelance, start-up, and enterprise and why he thinks this is a particularly amazing time for individuals and businesses (of all sizes) to have…
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Dan Staples, Siemens PLM

Synopsis: Siemens PLM Software will highlight some of the key trends in today’s design technology along with real-life examples of how the company can assist in overcoming challenges in the…
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